Monday, August 25, 2008

Swimming Party!

Come make a splash at the Rogers Family Swim Party!! This weekend is the last chance to use Jenn and Matt's Pool, so come take one last dip before summer ends!

When: Saturday August 30th at 3:00pm
Where: Jenn and Matt's Community Pool

We will be swimming, and just enjoying visiting one with another. The club house has been reserved by someone else, so we won't be able to use it. We will just be having out in and around the pool. Please don't bring any food as we are not allowed to have it by the pool. Just come and have lots of fun with the family! If you have any questions contact Jenn or Camille.

See ya there!

Friday, August 15, 2008

The News Is In: Alecia's Pregnant!

4 People Voted Correct!
Congratulations to Mark, Alecia and Family!!
Their new baby is Due In March 2009!

Pool Party!

It looks like the majority of the family would like to have a POOL PARTY for our next family gathering! Now we just have to figure out when and where! Let us know if you have any ideas!!

Friday, August 8, 2008

The Texas Crew Sends Pictures!!

We here at the Royal Rogers Gazette are so excited to have Pictures of Mark, Alecia, Braedon, Darian, and Alea Rogers!! From Left to Right, Alecia, Mark, Darian(4), Alea(Almost 2), and Braedon(9).
These are some fun pictures from Darian's Birthday. It looks likes it was quite the party, with a really fun cake!
These kids are adorable aren't they!
Such a Cutie!
Lots of Mommy Love to go around
Some great self portraits of Mark!

Thank you so much for sending us pictures Mark and Alecia! Since some of us have never even met most of you, it is nice to know at least what you look like! You are a beautiful family!

Cindy and Taylor's Fun Summer!

Cindy and Taylor have had a blast this summer spending every weekend doing something fun from Raging Waters to the Alpine Slide up in Park City.

This awesome 80's swimsuit picture was taken as Cindy went on her 24 mile bike ride around Antelope Island under the Moonlight!

Cindy and Taylor also went to Utah Lake where Cindy attempted to Wake Board.

Taylor sure seems to enjoy the water!

They also went to Tibble lake camping this past weekend where they fished and went motorcycling.Earlier in the summer Micheal, Cindy, Taylor, and Baylee went camping at Rockport.
After all of these adventures, Cindy said " This summer has been a total blast. I am starting to get to know Utah. I have never been camping until this year. So I guess I am starting to get out and see life. "

Friday, August 1, 2008

August Birthday's and Anniversary

to Grandpa Sam Dillard
on August 20th!!

Also it is Jeremy and Camille's Anniversary on August 12th!

Can you believe it's been 3 years?

Jeremy, Camille, and Boston's Weekend in Idaho!

Jeremy, Boston, and I headed up to Boise Idaho this past weekend for the Garner Football League Draft. (Fantasy Football Event) I won't even try to explain it, but I thought I would just share a couple of Photos! Jeremy enjoyed being on my cousin Steph's team, while I read lots of Books to all the cousins! Boston was such a good boy, especially for being trapped in the car for over 10 hours in less then 48 hours! It was a fun little trip!

An Update from Alecia!

I look forward to getting together and hope that it isn't too long.
I am sorry I don't send pics more often. A lot of what we do is on the video camera cause Mark has the camera with him at work. I will take some and upload them and send them out.
It is so neat how you guys always get together and share life together. The Rogers are a beautiful family.
I will see if Mark can get you more details. Here is for now.
Mark just got a new office with a new "power desk"...(I'll let him give you all of them fun details:)). I can tell he feels great and looks great. He has been eating so healthy and working out. He loves it.
Braedon is loving the summer and so are we. He loves building new creations with Legos. In fact, last night he brought the Lego box down and we just built legos for the next hour. I couldn't believe how relaxing and fun it is. No wonder he loves it:)! He loves to read, especially joke books...boy humor...he's always got us laughing or saying, "oh gross!".
Darian is wild but taming down and the boys are having a blast together. That is so much fun to see. Darian is excited to start sports and always tries read. He has fun counting but especially rhyming. He thinks it's so funny to come up with silly rhyming words. Oh, he loves to ride his bike but mainly play with brother and sissy.
Alea is growing up so quick. She is so sweet, has an opinion on the clothes she wears each day and loves to wear and buy new shoes. ....I have no idea what is ahead of me:))))).No seriously, I can't wait to watch her grow. She is just so sweet and loves to be a little mommy.
I hope you all are doing really well!!! We miss you and love you! We also CAN'T wait to see Mike and Bailey in a couple of weeks! We would love any and all of you to visit if and when you can!
All of us

Editors Note: Thanks for submitting an update Alecia! We love knowing what you guys are up too!