Saturday, December 6, 2008


Thanksgiving was once again a great success! The food was Delicious, and as always it was great to see almost everybody!! We sure missed the Texas crew, Lily who had to work, and Jenn who had the flu! We had a great time eating, playing basketball, eating, jammin', eating, and visiting one with another.

2 Pregnancy's were announced as well.
Tammy and John are expecting their first baby, due on June 17th! They are hoping its a girl...
Jeremy and Camille are expecting their second baby, due on May 16th!

I only had my camera out for a few minutes, so the pictures don't tell the whole story. I also didn't get a chance to edit the pictures... sorry.
Cindy and Cat

Jeremy and Taylor

Nathan and Ashlea Brett and Brian

Paul enjoying his pie

Tristan trying out his musical talent

Caydon and Boston dancing to the music

Tammy! Her shirt said "Bun in the Oven!"

Darla, shying away from the camera

Megan's boyfriend Dustin, Megan, Boston, and Brian

The Jam Session. David, John, Buddy (Mike's friend), and Mike. Taylor, and Tristan joining in too!

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