Thursday, May 1, 2008

Megan's Haircut- In the Words of Jenn

Pictures BEFORE the haircut
So I took Meg to go get her first High-end hair cut on monday. She donated atleast 12 inches and was freaking out the whole time. She was so freaked out that when the hairdresser told her that she's going to have to get some cute head-bands Megan's response was "Why, Did you cut a chunk of my hair out? The hairdresser started laughing and thought Megan was joking. She then figured out that Megan was not joking. The hairdresser replied, "For your dance classes!" It was so funny. She loves her new mature haircut!!! Mom said " Great now she's going to be getting more calls for dates." Lets just say that Megan gets so many phone calls for dates that she has to tell them "let me go get my calendar". She has turned into a dating machine. I guess it's ok as long as she doesnt get married within the next five years.

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