Sunday, February 15, 2009

Darla and Paul's Updates!

Three new things -- let's see now. Paul and I have been doing geneology. You know:

Geneology, I am doing it, my gen - e - o - logy, and the reasons why I am doing it are very clear to me.People living now and the ones who've died,Are on my family tree. (I guess it's not as clear as I thought -- I can't remember the rest of the words to the song!) Oh, wait a minute............... I am yours and you are mine now, Through all eternity!!!

The other 2 things are geneology and geneology!!! Yes, we're loving it. It's so exciting -- like playing a giant game of Clue. When we get to the point of having temple work done, we'll share the blessings.
Meg recently took me and Jennifer to a Tap Dance Concert downtown. One of her instructors was in it (she's very good). I never knew you could do so much with tap!

Being there brought back memories of MY tap dancing career, short-lived as it was. I think I've told some of you, or maybe all of you, this story before. Anyway, I was 4 or 5 when I took lessons. We just wore our swimsuits to class so we could move more freely. Well, while I was moving "freely", my strap broke and the top of my suit fell down to my waist. I was so embarassed! I ran to my mom, crying. Like I said, it was a short career. I never went back. After attending this concert, I can see that I really missed out!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is the funniest story Darla! Thanks for sharing!

Keep up the hard work on the geneology, I am glad you find it fun! You will have to let us know all the cool stuff you find out!